How to disable TinyMCE editor for the status descrption field in cases module?


I recently upgraded my Sugar CE to Suite 7.2.

I find that the status description field in the Cases module has TinyMCE editor (which was not the case in Sugar CE).

When I create a new case the html tags appear in the status description field.

I would prefer to use a simple textarea rather than TinyMCE editor. Is there a way to disable TinyMCE editor?

Thanks in Advance,

any help on getting rid off tinyMCE editor?

Hey raghavendra, I am with the same issue…I’ve posted a post asking if somebody could help me, but no one has a clue!

oh you too facing the same problem. If you find a solution please post here.

Dear experts,

Can you please tell me where I should start looking at for the above problem? I have checked editviewdefs.php and detailviewdefs.php in the cases module. But couldn’t find anything related to TinyMCE editor

If you can give some direction that will be much helpful.

Thanks in Advance,.

I also didn’t want the status description including the html tags as the regular views show them.

Here is how I stopped it happening: given the modification is to a SuiteCRM file within the custom directory it should be upgrade safe. However I don’t know if this is an “approved” edit - but it works for me. (v7.2.1)

Edit the file <SuiteCRM_Path>/custom/modules/Cases/views/view.edit.php

The line which shows which fields to apply tinymce editor is line '#53 (right at the end).
[color=#ff0000]echo $tiny->getInstance(‘update_text,description’, ‘email_compose_light’);[/color]

So I changed it to: (ie just removed the “description”)
[color=#ff0000]echo $tiny->getInstance(‘update_text’, ‘email_compose_light’);[/color]

No more TinyMCE on description, but still have TinyMCE for updates

Hope this works for you,


This solution appears to no longer be valid for v7.8.x. Can someone who knows look this over and update the solution? I’m unable to find the tinymce arguments.

Thank you.


Yes, SuiteCRM has changed the way to handle those fields in view.edit.php, It is handle by field type now.Iif you wish to remove tinyMCE from description field… You need to change the vardef for description field.
Comment below code for the “description” field definition in Vardef

'editor' => 'html',

Do quick repair rebuild. You are done!

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Has the description field moved to a different file? I can’t find the description field in the vardefs.php file.

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